Lincoln Gun Exchange

Lincoln Gun Exchange is the Friendliest Gun Dealer in Northern CA

Our online shopping site is open now!!

We sell New and Used Firearms, including Pistols, Revolvers, and Rifles.

We have California Compliant AR type Rifles in stock, and can keep you fully informed on California's ever changing gun laws.

We also have Collectible Firearms, such as early Smith & Wesson Revolvers, Winchester Rifles, and Colts available.

We love to Trade-in or outright Purchase, so bring yours in to us for a free evaluation.

Our gun shop is located in Lincoln, CA just north of Sacramento / Roseville, and just south of Yuba City / Marysville. If we don't have the gun you want, we can probably get if for you.... just let us know.

Free Firearm appraisals

  We are Open
Wednesday - Saturday
from 10am to 5pm

Located at 607 5th St. in Historical Downtown Lincoln across from Beermann Plaza and Lincoln Chinese on the corner of 5th & F St.

Links to:

See Our Current Inventory on GunBroker

Lincoln Rifle Club

Lincoln Chamber of Commerce

City of Lincoln

Roster of Hand Guns certified for sale in California


Lincoln Gun Exchange
 607 5th St.
  Lincoln, CA 95648

Phone:  916-671-4867 (916-MR1-GUNS)
Fax:  916-253-7888

Give us a Call at 916-671-4867,
email us or stop by Wednesday - Saturday 10am-5pm
to see our selection of new and used handguns, pistols, revolvers, rifles & shotguns. 

Content copyright 2022 . Lincoln Gun Exchange. All rights reserved.

Handguns, revolvers, semi-automatic pistols for sale. We serve customers from Lincoln, Roseville, Sacramento, Yuba City, Marysville, Chico, and northern CA.